REVIEW | Anime “Goblin Slayer”

by Fion-san


One of the most controversial anime released on Fall 2018, Goblin Slayer has managed to scare off some of its new viewers. While the rest of us, older fans who stuck with the series from its light novel or with its manga adaptation and those who can handle what little amount of darkness they displayed, kept on the journey with their graphic scenes of the main character’s violence all throughout. Anyone who is faint-hearted or easily disturbed would respond negatively and be disappointed following the series. But, this is not what I will be talking about in my review because this is for the people who saw all the episodes.

During the first few of the installment, I was not quite impressed with Goblin Slayer. It seemed bland, starting off with how this OP character only takes requests to slay goblins, considering that it is one of the low-level adventure quests. And then, that’s just it going on and on. However, that did not push me to drop the anime down. This did pique my interest as to what this character is really aiming for. He has no interest in slaying other kinds of creatures, not even a demon or dragon, he just wants to slay g o b l i n s.

He is entitled by the adventurers and folks with “Goblin Slayer” for a reason. Duh, Fion-san.

But as the series progressed, they gave us new characters, new flashbacks, and then we start to get more background on what kind of person Goblin Slayer is and how much his communication skills is a blunder. (Seriously, he is oblivious of the way he talks or approaches others.) We get the sense of reality that even mere goblins can screw the heck of your life and their antics can fucking traumatize you so much that by all means, they need to be exterminated at once!

Another thing I found annoying at first is how the characters don’t have definite names!  *flips over the table* But it can be simply a hint of the tabletop RPG geek culture – that the whole Goblin Slayer is a universe where characters are named based on their race or class. Or it could have a deeper meaning to it, the author not giving the readers/viewers their names just yet but the characters themselves may have known each other’s, perhaps except for Goblin Slayer.

Speaking of names, let me discuss further the rest of the notable characters.

Despite how Goblin Slayer appears with his mediocre armor and weapons, he is blessed with girls. A new set of waifus in one dark-themed series, how about that?

First, we have Priestess who feels indebted to the main character for rescuing her.

Second is the Guild Girl who has lowkey helped MC in all sorts in her own way and admiring him…from afar.

The third one is the childhood friend of Goblin Slayer, Cow Girl, whose boobs almost as big as a cow’s breast.

Fourth, we have the tsundere in the crew wherein Goblin Slayer and Priestess later joined, High Elf Archer.

Last but not the least, the Sword Maiden, another hottie who has a lot in her chest, or so they say.

Okay, let’s add Witch, just to make sure.

For the male characters, mmh, except for Goblin Slayer I’m not particularly captivated by Dwarf Shaman nor Lizard Priest. (there is not even a gif for them here)

Not Spearman, not Heavy Swordsman, not any other male character!

Why is that? Because there is nothing special in their character design, background or development that makes them stand out from the others.

Personally, I believe the animation was done beautifully by White Fox. Thought the animation was familiar. If you came across Steins;GateAkame ga Kill, and Re:Zero, this is the studio who animated them all. Goblin Slayer indeed fits well with White Fox’ action quality.

The opening song, Rightfully by Mili reflects the entirety of this series and is sung in English. The ending song, the lyrics of Gin no Kisei / Silver Oath by Soraru at closer look sounds like the main character in a nutshell. For your information, Soraru is a popular utaite so I was surprised that he sang this ED. I only knew Soraru boi through Marumaru. If none of you know who these guys are, you should start checking them out on youtube.

Everyone was especially hyped during that one episode, right? Frankly, I didn’t expect the series would have it. But it seems we might have more in the future. Fear not for “Goblin Slayer will return.” Tch. In the end, we never got to see the upper half of his face. By now, I would like to check the manga and light novel.

Overall, Goblin Slayer could have been much greater if they did not leave the plot ambiguous as they did. Despite the fact that our main character has now possibly envisioned a newfound goal, we don’t have a clue to what route this story will take. It’s spoonfeeding us step-by-step, yet there was barely character development. Yes, Goblin Slayer realizes certain things that he lacks but that was by the last episode! I don’t know. The pace is too slow for me, but this series is positively simple and can still be a great source for entertainment if edgy, dark themes and gratuitous fanservice is your thing.

If you’ve seen Goblin Slayer, let me know which girl is your waifu.

Creator: Kumo Kagyu

Genre: Dark Fantasy, Action, Adventure

Episodes: 12

Studio: White Fox

WARNING: For this anime series, viewer discretion is advised. There are scenes with rape, intense violence, nudity fanservice, and bloodshed. Once again, and I WILL REPEAT, this is not for the faint-hearted and easily disturbed people.

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